Commissioning Week


Chairman’s Reception- By Invitation Only

This event is a tradition that offers guests from the military, business, and political communities, along with family and friends, the opportunity to toast the impending commissioning. The Prospective Commanding Officer and selected guests have an opportunity to thank all those involved.

Typically Special guests invited would be the Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations, former cabinet members, and the Boat’s Sponsor.


Pre-Commissioning Breakfast – By Invitation Only

This gathering enables platform guests and other VIPs to be briefed on what to expect during the commissioning ceremony and post-commissioning events. Upon completion, they are transported to the pier for seating.

Saturday Commissioning Ceremony – Tickets required

Official United States Navy event.

Post-Commissioning Reception

Following the official commissioning ceremony, guests are routed to the commissioning tent where refreshments, photo opportunities, and overall good will prevail. An event like this culminates Navy tradition, the official transfer of a warship from the ship builder to the United States Navy. Guests that attend will become part of history.

Days leading up to the events outlined above may include private events for the crew members and family members. These events are at the discretion of the committee and might include youth outreach, community events, or social activities to welcome the crew to NJ.